Backend Setup
The following steps need to be taken to setup the Blaise Backend which will allow the Blaise Editor and Grader to run in infrastructure mode.
- Install MySQL.
- Install a JDBC driver for MySQL.
- servlet-api.jar, mail.jar, activation.jar, and commons-fileupload-1.0.jar (an Apache product) should be installed in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and added to the classpath.
- Install Blaise as a webapp in Tomcat.
- The tables in the database can be initialized with the script edu.gwu.blaise.version2.standard.dbinit.txt (dbinit2.txt also works). On the first use of that file, the drop statements should be commented out. Also, the statements at the bottom point to specific directories and may have to be changed.
- Using values specific to your server, edit the WEB-INF/, WEB-INF/writerForward.txt, WEB-INF/graderForward.txt, WEB-INF/debugForward, and edu.gwu.blaise.version2.transmission.TransmissionConstants files.